Welcome to
"Once Upon a Time"
2024 HHS Variety Show
Sunday, March 10, 2024
@ Lynnfield Middle School
4:00 - 6:30 PM
**SIGN UP** For Show and Opening Act HERE by Friday, January 19 :
Show us where your story began!
Are you an Artist? Performer? Player? Character?
Poet? Pianist? Mime? Dancer? Be CREATIVE!
We can't wait to see what inspires you!
Preview Day: Monday, January 22, 2024 @ HHS Music Room 4:30-7:30PM
What is a Preview?
Every student is welcomed + encouraged to join the HHS Variety Show! The Variety Show Committee needs to approve the music and the Act in order to ensure that Acts are appropriate and not too similar. All Acts need to attend the Preview. Be prepared to share a little bit about your Act. Acts do not need to fit the Show’s theme but are strongly encouraged to! If your performer is in the Opening Act only they do not need to attend the Preview.
What is the Opening Act?
Check your decade!
*Important Reminders*
* The Opening Act is a unique opportunity to perform reserved for Kindergarteners and 4th Graders ONLY. *Kindergartners and 4th graders may participate in only the Opening Act if desired
* Students are allowed to participate in 2 Acts as well as the Opening Act
* If your student is participating in 2 Acts, the Acts must be differentiated by size or style.
* Acts with 5 people or less must be NO longer than 1.5 minutes
*Acts with 6 people or more must be NO longer than 2 minutes
* Please rehearse Acts 1-2 times a week. Consistent practice makes ALL the difference!
*Sorry, HHS can NOT be reserved for practice.
Join the Production Team!
We happily welcome your support and ideas, “many hands make light work”! We are eager to have you join the Variety Show Production Team + help to make this year's show a Box Office Smash! Questions, concerns, or interest in joining the Team please reach out to Kate DePrizio + Crystal Lavino at
We simply can not do this without you!